The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35669   Message #488657
Posted By: InOBU
21-Jun-01 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: Catspaw - good news!
TICKING! I was going to send my Uilleann Pipe bellows to Spaw's doc to fix the farting sound it's regulator valve makes, but who the hell wants a ticking sound coming out of yer pipes! I am glad I didn't send the pipes to him BEFORE the op, or he might have stuck the U P bellows valve in Spaw for the sake of ecconomy, actualy that might not be a bad idea, that sound may be taken for just the usual noise associated with Spaw, and be less disconcerting than ticking...
Now Sapw, I think we are on to something with your ticking... we can get the timex folks to go back to making wind up watches, reintorduce the old Timex comerciall, and do a sort of Mr. Bill comercial... "Here we have a ticking Timex and a Ticking Catspaw... we dump a load of Boston Baked beans on both... AND BOTH KEEP ON TICKING!!!!"
No that you have a built in metronome, report to us on the effect on your playing, Spaw... We had to spend 14 bucks on a metronome to put down a tick track for a recording, we could have just stuck a Spaw next to the mic!
Keep ticking ol'l pal - I just had an image of the crockadile from Peter Pan!
Kinda like belling the cat?
a silent moment in a moving ballad, big audience, dark hall... Tick... Tick... Tick, the performer (say Rick Fielding) looks up, "Oh! Hullo Spaw..." and goes on singing...
Cheersmdears on this happy holiday
PS Spaw gets a job at the Federal Building... first day of work, sorting mail... other mail sorter, "MY GOD WHAT'S THAT TICKING???... A BOMB!!!" They start franticly throwing mail into a bucket of water... one mail sorter puts his ear to Spaw's cheast, and into the bucket goes our Spaw!