The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35462   Message #489104
Posted By: InOBU
21-Jun-01 - 03:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Extreme prejudice and friends
Subject: RE: BS: Extreme prejudice and friends
Hi Guys, lets see was it Doug who wanted an example of constructed rasim by institutions? Let me give you two:
In the colonies, slaves from Africa were more valuble than indentured servants who - it was profitable to work to death, as they did not get their land after their sentence was finished. The land they got was on the fronteer so they were a buffer between the Vergina planters and the rather miffed Natives. Well, at first there were no laws against intermarrige between Slaves and Servants and it was common. UNTIL, Nathanial Bacon, a freed servant, led a revolt of servants and slaves which nearly overthrough the Verinia colonial government.
In the aftermath, the roll of the servant was raised, and they became the inforcers of slavery, not owning slaves but keeping them in line with extrodinary violence. Part of the creation of a sence of difference to devide the "working class" comoniality of servant and slave was to make the poor white guy think of himself or herself as a "better" so they outlawed intermarrige.
In Ireland, with the criminalization policies of Britain in the north, Irish schools underwent a change in the way they taught Irish history, in that support for Catholic civil rights in the north was destablizing of the politic in the Republic, so they created a sence of difference between Irish Catholic in the occupied counties and the other 26 counties, and by the mid 1980's there was more prejudice against Northern Catholics from Southern Catholics than there was towards northern Catholics from Northern Pritestants! A sence of difference was created by the state through the schools for the most part, which is why the the children of republican's in the republic thought so differently from their parents.