The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35662   Message #489151
Posted By: Lin in Kansas
21-Jun-01 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: MIDItext format
Subject: RE: MIDItext format

John In Remote Kansas (JIRK) on LIK's cookie

I sort of figured that he had more in mind, but sometimes we go on and on with the answers and nobody thinks to make sure we've got the question right.
Alan's readme makes it sound like the main thing he's done is a straight "hex" to ascii convert, with some html (probably the break into columns) to make it "mudcat friendly." The txt2midi program does put things back into midi...?
I guess maybe I need to play with it a little.
Another one of those things that would make my life so simple if I only had the time to do all of those things that would save me time.
