The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35699   Message #489944
Posted By: Amos
22-Jun-01 - 04:49 PM
Thread Name: Can a believer sing Atheist songs?
Subject: RE: BS - Can a believer sing Atheist songs?
I'm sorry but the logic here is a bit tortuous, and possibly specious. Atheism by etymological decomposition is a statement of "No God" as a belief. It does not equate except in some local variants as a belief of "no spiritualness" nor one of "no infinity". At least if we accept Theos as the Greek root tyo be translated into "God". If instead you translate it as "godhood", "godliness", or "divinity as a quality of advanced spirituality" then atheism approaches materialism asymptotically. But I was using the usual American sense of "single-identitiy infinitude of spirit", or whatever phrase you wish to put on it. If you believe that all spirituality, for example, is a composite hologram of interactions from the trillions to the nth power of individual spiritual viewpoints that participate in the universe, running bodies or not, on Earth or elsewhere, highly capable or lower than stones and completely overwhelmed, then you can be an atheist and a devout spiritualist, explain all mystic and spiritualistic and miraculous phenomena, and still enjoy physics 101 and quantum mechanics and Darwinian theory PLUS you get to take your own personal responsibility for your code of conduct and sexual activity as a free bonus!!