The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35227   Message #490203
Posted By: Amos
23-Jun-01 - 01:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Blowing in the wind...
Subject: RE: BS: Blowing in the wind...
Well, so did I! In fact didn't you even SAY it was a horse?? Why was she apologizing for the horse? Why kind of a Quee is going to go around apologizing for the digestive processes of farm animals? I mean, what, didn't they have anything to TALK about? Or were they both so darned awestruck each by the others' Majesty that they dodn't want to communicate anything for feare of disrupting the Royal Tranquility?? What the hell -- do we really want such darned fragile beings as our Monarchs?

I am sure Tonga is not a hotspot of news, but anyone with half a brain could at least keep her Royal Humility laugjing overe the differences!! And it was the horse anyway!!! For that matter why didn't HE apologize for the horse, seeing that he was the only one who recognized the horse fart!!

She evidently thought she'd had something to do with the sound effect. No I have heard of stiff upper lips, and people acting frozen from the neck up and so on, but I don't believe I have ever met a human being so benumbed by their own circumstances that they could not detect the passage of a horse-sized fart from their very own internal cavities!!! Well perhaps she honestly believe that she had no such cavities due to her majestic legacy? Sort of a residual of the old Divine Right days?

Oh, where is Mark Twain when we really NEED him??
