The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35699   Message #490523
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Jun-01 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: Can a believer sing Atheist songs?
Subject: RE: BS - Can a believer sing Atheist songs?
Hamsters! I tried to get the gerbils to read it and they point blank refused to...

Okay...I get your drift.

The way I see it is...there is no gigantic Scout Leader hidden in the wings. God isn't separate from anything else, so how can God hide in the wings?

But everything is spiritual.

Living beings have different levels of awareness...conscious, subconscious, dream state, automatic body functions, cell functions, nerve systems, immune defenses, superconscious, etc....

What I term "God" is the highest level of purposeful consciousness possible in each being.

It is within each being, but may not be expressing itself clearly if it is layered over by lower levels of consciousness. In fact it may not appear to ever be expressing itself at all.

That doesn't mean it isn't there, waiting to express itself...if the other levels would shut up, step aside, and let it.

Self-realization involves disciplining and calming the lower levels of consciousness so that the God-self can be activated.

Which is danged hard to do when you're yakking on Mudcat about all kinds of contentious and extraordinary stuff!


I'm gonna go meditate for a bit. :-)

- LH