The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35467   Message #490529
Posted By: JeZeBeL
23-Jun-01 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: Annoying Bodhran, what to do?
Subject: RE: Annoying Bodhran, what to do?
Hey there everyone....

Ok, I won't admit to being a bodhran player...well, no I will actually,

I'm proud to be one!!

When people play all the time whether they're welcome to or not it makes me cringe like hell, this bloke sounds like one of those people!!

Many people say bodhrans should be seen and not heard. And in a sense I agree in certain situations. I won't play in songs unless there are ten thousand other people playing instruments and the tune has the right rhythm to play bodhran to.

I'm actually too scared to go into a singing session and play bodhran as I know people would take it off me and fill it with a replacement for micca's tankard!! No, the truth is I would rather sit and listen or join in singing chorus'.

BOdhrans suit certain situations and certain tunes, but otherwise i think we should just sit back and listen.

I think somebody needs to have a little quiet chat with this bloke, and if he doesn't listen then he obviously doesn't have any feelings relevant to the situation and needs telling firmly.

It is better to say something than to have him drive everybody away from the circle.

GOod luck

Emma xxx