The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1210   Message #49115
Posted By:
12-Dec-98 - 12:14 AM
Thread Name: There's no goblins, ghosts, nor witches...?
"...only greedy sons of bitches..."

This is the reassuring message of a song (perhaps written by Ewan MacColl? It sounds like him) ostensibly sung to a small child during a thunderstorm -- no need to fear the dark and noise; when you wake it will be dawn and your mother and I are here.

Peculiarly heartwarming.

Something quite recently reminded me of this song, and I don't know where to find it, or even where I originally heard it. I won't ask for the lyrics, as they may be copyrighted, but does anyone know where I can buy the recording so I can learn them?

Kind regards, jcn