The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35542   Message #491253
Posted By: Charley Noble
25-Jun-01 - 08:07 AM
Some people will never get the time right. Yes, Uncle Jaque finally stumbled in after 7 PM only to be confounded by the number of folks already assembled; we were searching out all seven floors of the tower looking for more chairs, sending out for extras. How were we to know that Bobbi's appeal to the Unitarian assembly down at Ferry Beach would provoke such a response. Surveying the room with fellow Roll & Go members Nor, Eli and Dick, my steel trap mind could tell there was trouble not to far. The whole place could explode at the drop of an indiscrete pronoun...

Oh, and Jets and Brien, other local Mudcats were there, and a few other remnants of the old Portland Folk Club. About 30 people came, impressing the Greater Portland Landmarks site coordinator, and yes, we did sing, and as expected the acoustics in the octogon tower are still great. We started with Capt. Moody's song, Mexico, Strike the Bell, Mingulay Boat Song, Away Rio, Bobbi wondered if we knew any songs from the Great Lakes which drew forth Fresh Water Whaling, somehow Nor was induced to sing Chastity Belt (the key dropped carelessly into the sea), Paddy West's school of practical navigation song, Greenland Whale Fisheries, Golden Vanity, Barrett's Privateers, and One More Day. There were several more that are escaping me. Alas, Naumanson was absent, tearing off for Philadelphia for more contract training.

So all in all a great gathering. The next one will be the 4th Sunday in July at 7 PM, which looks to me like JULY 22nd. Bring a song to share!