The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35727   Message #491798
Posted By: ollaimh
25-Jun-01 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: Help with Atlantic Canadian Music History
Subject: RE: Help with Atlantic Canadian Music History
and what about me the world imfamous atlantic canadian busker appearing nightly in the toronto subways.

i must say about collectors they helen creighton did a fine job whereas edith fowkes and peacock , who are likely more famous politically edited the music to reflect their middle class upper canadian notions of what was an igorant and folsie ole musician from down east. now this kind of editing is as old a folk--childe did it to all the scottish ballads--but it isn't what folk should be about. in fact what has amazed me my whole lifetime is how well educated many rural maritime folkies are , even if they are largely berift of formal education. many of the locally written traditional songs are of poetic level with anything in ther world.

so use creighton and abuse the others!