The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35867   Message #492765
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
27-Jun-01 - 01:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Any INSOMNIACS out there?
Subject: RE: BS: Any INSOMNIACS out there?
I get seasonal insomnia - usually around autumn (something to do with spiders of the big fat hairy variety), and occasionally in spring. Mostly it's stress related, or snoring related. Manitas could snore for Britain, but won't have it looked at. He also does the loud honks and whistles and then goes silent for a few minutes. He gets worse the more he drinks.....

I usually end up on here, or reading in various rooms around the house. One memorable night back in March I read for 2 hours, did 3 hours of ironing, made packed lunches for myself and the bratling and still managed to get to work for 7.00am, leaving the house at 6.00. That was stress related. But I find it quite easy to fall into the waking at a particular time each night routine. Just recently it's been 3.30am, a Godforsaken time of night if ever there was one.