The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35467   Message #492847
Posted By: Les from Hull
27-Jun-01 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: Annoying Bodhran, what to do?
Subject: RE: Annoying Bodhran, what to do?
All these inappropriate bodhran playing stories reminds me of my favourite. I was sitting in a session in Redcar with Jane Sherburn (one of my all-time favourite bodhran players) and Kate Rusby (what a name-dropper I am). None of us had our instruments with us so we were just listening.

Then this wassack comes in, unraps the bodhran from the brown paper bag (he must've just bought it) sits down in the middle of the session and attempts to play. After indulging in some girlish humour with Kate (that's your boyfriend, that is!) Jane could stand it no longer. She firmly asked 'Could I have a lend of your bodhran, mate?' and then played it brilliantly and handed it back. The chap just got up and walked out, to the relief of the whole session and comments like 'ee lass, you'll go straight to heaven'.

Not that I dispise the bodhran player. I hope he's a brilliant player by now. I offer the story as a cautionary tale. If you're not very experienced, tell the others in the session/singaround/whatever. Sit at the back and do join in quietly. The others will understand. They'll offer help. They were at that stage themselves once.
