The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35894   Message #492872
Posted By: Amos
27-Jun-01 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Songwriter's Theory 4002: Mandatory
Subject: RE: BS: Songwriter's Theory 4002: Mandatory
Realizing that an understanding on Information Mechanics (as IF!) is vital to the success of a free folkie, the following has been added to the curricula and the final exam. This will be a "no books" exam.

Calculators may be used. Likewise allowed are personal squeeze-balls, foam mallets and Depenz.

Title: Information Mechanics
Authors: John L. Haller Jr
Comments: A twenty page report on the physicality of the mathematical information metric. Including figures and examples
Subj-class: General Physics

\ Using the Schrodinger kernal the equality between the negative expected log probability measure of information and the product of the translational eigenstates of time and energy, is derived. A physical interpretation is shown in the tunneling event of classical to non-classical origin.

Defining the quantity of real information as an equivalent area in phase space, the Gaussian pulse is shown to be one natural unit of classical data. With the development of the one-to-one corespondence between a mathematical degree of freedom and the non-commuting volume of phase space that began with Gabor, a quantizaion rule of allocating log(e) of information to a rank of the frame of reference is given.

Using the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle the interference phenomenon of the two slit experiment is investigated and properly accounted for. Lasty the spin of mass is discussed and an electron is shown as one unit of information of value log(e).

Origiinal paper can be found heref \or your convenience , but no passing notes!