The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8067   Message #49329
Posted By: Big Mick
13-Dec-98 - 08:10 PM
Subject: Chords Add: JOE MCDONNELL

WHY ARE YOU HOLLERIN'?????? ***grin*** When you type in all caps online, you are considered to be screaming. Just an FYI.
I do the song in A. The chords in order of usage are:

VERSE: Oh (A) me name is Joe McDonnell, from (D) Belfast town I (A) came,
That (D) city I will (A) never see (E) again
For (A) in the town of Belfast, I spent (D) many happy (A) days.
I (D) love that town in (A) oh so many (E) ways
For its (D) there I spent my (A) childhood and (D) found for me a (A) wife,
I (D) then set out to (A) make for her a (E) life
But (A) all my young ambitions met with (D) bitterness and (A) hate,
I soon (D) found myself (A) inside a prison (E) gate

CHORUS: And you (D) to call me a (A) terrorist, while (D) you look down your (A)
When I (D) think of all the (A) deeds that you have (E) done.
You have (A) plundered many nations, divided many lands,
You have (D) terrorized the peoples you ruled with and iron (E) hand,
And you (D) brought a reign of (A) terror to my (E) land.

Great song, hope this helps.

All the best, Mick