The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35946   Message #493815
Posted By: IanC
28-Jun-01 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Arthur McBride - What's the background?
Subject: RE: Arthur McBride- What's the background?
Here's some fun.

The DT has 2 versions

Both are apparently English, but one at least looks to have Irish forebears.

The Bodleian Collection has 3 broadside versions.

One (Harding B25(82)) on a slip, undated and unattributed claims it as "A New Song" Broadside Version. Though the typeface appears to be rather older than the other two versions (below) I'm sceptical about its claim to be "New" as I know that publishers frequently claimed this erroneously.

The other 2 versions in the Bodleian are by J. Harkness (Preston) betweeen 1840-1866 and from The Poet's Box (Glasgow) 1870.

It doesn't appear to be in any of the C16th or C17th ballad collections I have searched.

Though I can't find any evidence of this on the net (nor in any printed sources as yet) I have been told by a normally reliable source that it was, in fact, composed by a well known Scottish songwriter in the C18th. If I could remember his name, I could try and confirm it. More later.


PS Ard, the earliest spellings appear to be MacBride. if it proves to be Scottish, are you saying you're East Anglian? (if so you're welcome far & near ... "If you're East Anglian, Come into the parlour ...").