The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35467   Message #494265
Posted By: Hawker
28-Jun-01 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: Annoying Bodhran, what to do?
Subject: RE: Annoying Bodhran, what to do?
Bodhran Jokes:
What do you call a bodhran player who doesn't play in a session?
A gentleman

There was this chap walked into a session in a bar in Northern Ireland with a package under his arm, which he carefully placed under his chair, he then sat in the session and listened. After a time, the curious person next to him asked...."Whats in the package?" to which the whispered answer was cagily given: "2 pounds of semtex" The questioner, looking much relieved said:"Thank Christ for that, I thought it was another bodhran!"

What is the difference between a bodhran payer and a foot bath?
One bucks up the feet.....

What is a definfition of perfect pitch?
Throwing a bodhran down a well without touching the sides

Or even, throwing a bodhran down a well and not hitting the sides or the banjo already at the bottom!

I am tempted to say that the best bodhran joke is on those people who really believe that they can play in time!
