The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35996   Message #494570
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
29-Jun-01 - 05:25 AM
Thread Name: Eating Crow Re: Recent Bragging posts...
Subject: Eating Crow Re: Recent Bragging posts...


You folks have heard me, of late, goin' on about my recent 'steady work' gig in Leamington right??? Hosting a Thursday open mic/kitchen party thing in a great sounding room...

well... feckin' get this....

I go out tonight and get some extra gear, pick up a couple of chummers keen to jam, and am anticipating folks coming from Chatham to play... I'm pumped... I'm keen... I'm happy!!!

I fight traffic to get there... I speed to get there on time (there's NO GOOD REASON to speed!)...

We unpack the car and waltz in the door with gear up to here...

"What are you doing here", says a brand new face behind the bar...

"I'm here for my gig", says I , "and these folks are too... I'm just lucky enough to have rodies tonight"

"Oh... nobody told you?", says the barman...

"Told me what????", says I....

Turns out the guy who made the bookings with me and who build the pub is WANTED FOR 61 CHARGES ACROSS CANADA!!!!!!! Including 7 counts of sexual assault, and a bunch of fraud charges!!!! He bilked this place and his partners for $18,000 and went on the lamb!!!! Now, the guy taking over the place got it for a song, and I hope David does well... but he's not planning anything 'folkie' now...

Next time I see this pole-smokin' Mo-fo'n, bastard, sh!t-heel, father-raper, dung muncher, daisy-chainer, chunder splat, dohnut-puncher, clinker-nibbler, pillow-biter, skunk-sniffer, dog-humper, good-excuse-for-women-to-'swallow', mulch-muncher 'CURT', he better hope I don't have a good shovel in the trunk of my car... 'cause if I do, I'll kill him dead and bury the body so deep only worms, permafrost, and future archaeologists will ever find him!!!!!

So, I'm eating crow...

Sorry to have been bragging so much here of late...

I guess it's true what they say... If it looks too good to be true, it probably is...

He had me booked through December....
