The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35996   Message #495197
Posted By: catspaw49
29-Jun-01 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: Eating Crow Re: Recent Bragging posts...
Subject: RE: Eating Crow Re: Recent Bragging posts...
Sorry CH, but just a brief hi-jack re: Jean Shepherd.

Sorrowfully he is dead and I like to think I learned something from him in writing style and also in shooting down the "memories" with a truth gun. Partly it's because although we were about 20 years apart in age, we both grew up in the heartland midwest and until very recently not much had changed. I first encountered him when he wrote fir Car and Driver and when his collected works became books, I was in love. The experiences were so similar, though years apart. I miss him. One of Jean's new stories would be read and re-read and laughed over for hours...and reread again. I think I'll go read one tonight before bed

.....And Carol, there was indeed such a lamp and other similar paraphernalia used by the Nehi Soft Drink folks for many years.
