The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36022   Message #495423
Posted By: JeZeBeL
30-Jun-01 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern: Welcome Home Party
"Hmmm, garden burger....I have never made one of them before" people can hear mlle pullu saying from the bar.

Several comments start flying around like: "Is that a veggie burger?"
"or is it a burger made of grass and soil"
"Don't sound too tasty to me!"

So everyone looks at Peg sat in the corner to explain what a garden burger is.

JeZeBeL, whilst busy playing lazy summer tunes on her trumpet, looks down at her glass, to realise it is yet again empty.....she puts the sparkly brass trumpet down and tells everyone to guard it with their lives....and saunters, well, maybe staggers, across to the bar again.

When she gets there, she sees that Ian the Blue has yet again fallen asleep, so she pulls a pair of scissors out of her pocket and proceeds to chop off his hair, well he did say he needed a hair cut. Inside JeZeBeLs magickal bag, she finds some hair paint and wax and the likes of face paint.

"We're going to have to do something about this half blue face of his" she points out the mlle pullu.

Well, out comes the blue hair paint and she slaps a bit of that on....then proceeds to put wax in it and spikes it all up.

People are looking around in sheer amazement at the masterpiece that is being created before their eyes.

JeZeBeL is working fast, hoping that the young lad doesn't wake up before she has finished....

More green and blue hair paint comes out.....

Then she shouts to the bloke with the long white beard and hair in the corner, who has a very strange accent from the north of england, if she can borrow his banjo a second.

He frowns and nods and puts another fag in his mouth.

JeZeBeL brings the banjo back towards Ian the blue and smashes it over his head.

People stand back and look in amasement...

"I don't believe's, it's, it's the mudcat logo!!"

And lo and behold, on top of Ian the Blues head is the fish jumping out of the banjo.

JeZeBeL apologises to Bill, and says she'll buy him a new one.

Bill says no worries as she passes hima pint of coca cola.

Ian the Blue is still asleep.

Everyone cheers and applauds at what JeZeBeL has created.

"A beer for everyone" shouts JeZeBeL.

And she sits back in her corner and picks up her whistle to play.