The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36051   Message #495602
Posted By: GUEST,FF
30-Jun-01 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: OCE - The Out of Cage Experience
Subject: RE: OCE - The Out of Cage Experience
I had an OCE that was truly amazing. One of those hairless aliens got hold of me and put me on its back. Quite a view from up there. Then it fed me into a long tube. I was crawling through the tube for what seemed like quite a while, and I couldn't see much, except a little light at the end. Then I got to a tight turn and found myself in another tube. This happened over and over again. It was pretty cool. I could hear at least two aliens making loud noises, sort of grunting and gasping and hooting all at the same time, and it was shaking the whole tube. Finally I emerged and found myself back in the cage! I am at a loss to explain the experience, but I think it involved some sort of interdimensional travel. Fascinating! It was fun and harmless, and I hope to do it again soon.

- FF (hamster)