The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36051   Message #495625
Posted By: Amos
30-Jun-01 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: OCE - The Out of Cage Experience
Subject: RE: OCE - The Out of Cage Experience
Empirical??? Judging from those mixed-madras hues on that second photo I would guess it was the product of a deranged acid trip. And the first one looks like a doctored Scat Scan!! And if the "outer world" is so full of huge beings of kind intent, how come most of us have never seen one?!! Answer me that!! Oh, and how do you account for the "mysterious" coinicidence that in every case where someone claims that OCE's are real, they start with an imaginary giant creature "opening a small door" for them in the sid eof the cage!!! What kibbles! I have climbed over every inch of the walls, and they all end up in the same place -- down among the cedar shavings, that's where! Not once have I seen a cage wall turn into a door. And if these benevolent beings are so fascinated in stupid little creatures like us, how come they aren't ALWAYS hanging around turning walls into doors? Answer me that!!!

No, I'm sorry -- this is wonderful fiction, and a lovely thought, but it just doesn't stand up to hard rational reasoning, some of which I recommend to you gullible cultists who run around swearing by what "Selkie Says". If Selkie said to jump off the food bottle, would you do it? Of course not!!! Common sense!! That's what's needed here!!

B. Bunker Hamstring
Lettuce Organizer
North End, West Side