The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36051   Message #495628
Posted By: GUEST,Stinkybutt
30-Jun-01 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: OCE - The Out of Cage Experience
Subject: RE: OCE - The Out of Cage Experience
Nah, Afraid - they'll claim you just erased the cage bars and painted in that pink thing in back of Selkie.

Now, I gotcher imperical evidence right here! One of them smaller big things just tried touching a part of me they shouldn't have tried to touch, and I chomped him. It got really loud out when I did that, but it was still worth it. Got some DNA stuck on a tooth if you guys want to send over a hamster in a white coat with a tiny little evidence kit. Oh yeah - you can't get out of your cages! HAHAHAHA!

I got a pretty good deal on this computer from the white mice - they got a factory in the wall somewhere. Now you wanna talk about "outside the cage," these guys have been living out there for a couple of years. Anyhow, I shoulda asked them for one of those camera things. You could have had some shots of the "vast undiscovered reality!"