The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36051   Message #495753
Posted By: Amos
01-Jul-01 - 01:52 AM
Thread Name: OCE - The Out of Cage Experience
Subject: RE: OCE - The Out of Cage Experience
As far as I'm concerned, OCE's are right up there with pigs that fly, and celery seeds that turn into exercise wheels painted gold. All I can say is, I'll believe it when I actually have one. Next thing you know we'll be hearing that this Outer Reality is full of strange creatures that walk on two legs and have harnessed unheard of powers in the universe, control the weather and fly through the air in giant luxurious cages of special design. Ho-hum. Keep your fantasies -- I'm for the cedar chips in the North End and a night of dreaming about females. Wake me up if anything REAL happens!!!

B. Bunker Hamstring
Lettuce Organizer
North End, West Side