The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36070   Message #496088
Posted By: Gareth
01-Jul-01 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: Battle Anniversaries
Subject: RE: Battle Anniversaries
I must confess that I had to read and reread this thread before replying.

I typed Flanders into the search.

Three songs hit my eye :-

Willie McBrides reply.

The Old Mans Song

The Fires of Calais

(Sorry I've yet to learn how to do clikys)

I think those sum up why we should remember old battles, not for the hate, and the peverted views of history that some songs render. Not hate but rememberance.

My Grandfather rests somewhere between Iceland and Murmansk - A merchant seaman - The Convoy is well commemorated, it was numbered PQ17. Not one of the Admiralty's better sucesses - but bitterness ? From this familly no !

Remember the battles, remember the slain, and the wounded, and the survivors. Perhaps it is a time to take a more objective view of history.
