The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36051   Message #496166
Posted By: GUEST,Professor Haphollow
01-Jul-01 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: OCE - The Out of Cage Experience
Subject: RE: OCE - The Out of Cage Experience
I've heard quite enough nonsense about OCE's to suit me. It's absolute claptrap! My two and a half years in the laboratory (a lifetime's experience), plus my extensive academic credentials have led me to one absolutely firm conclusion: There are no extra-cage realities of a physical sort, only subjective visual phenomena and olfactory hallucinations, triggered by a bad diet and poor hygeine (sound familiar, Stinky Butt?). Illusions, in other words.

The assertion that I live in an opaque Cage is utterly without foundation. I live in the best Frankly Gilded Cage that money can buy, thank you very much! Gold plated bars. Eat your heart out.

I intend to refute every one of Selkie's outrageous claims in my forthcoming treatise, entitled the "OCE Obsession". I have exhaustively researched all of his fraudulent claims and discredited them.

The photos are obvious fakes. Note the complete lack of any visible Cage. Proof positive that these are doctored photos.

The fact that Guinea Pigs have entered into this debate shows just how low the whole discussion has sunk. Since when did Guinea Pigs have anything useful to add to a scientific enquiry? Since never. They make good experimental fodder, but that is where their usefullness ends.

*** Prof. Quentin Haphollow ***