The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36085   Message #496430
Posted By: Gervase
02-Jul-01 - 06:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: lower case posts with no punctuation
Subject: RE: BS: lower case posts with no punctuation
Iy may be quicker, but it does take longer to read and the point of the posting is harder to get. I'm with Jon on this - I imagine it's harder for people for whom English isn't their first language to get their heads around postings which have no caps or punctuation.
The best thing would be if everyone was taught basic keyboard skills at primary school level. I'm lucky enough to been taught to touch-type on an old-fashioned manual tripewriter, but it wasn't hard to learn, and it does make life a heck of a lot easier in this keyboard-dominated age. There are any number of bits of software out there (some freeware), which a very useful for learning and honing keyboard skills
The only problem is, because typing becomes an extension of thinking, sometimes I tend to ramble on and on and on and ... which helpful nurse slams lid of laptop down on crazed fingers and administers large tranquilliser...
I had a problem with wordsrunningtogether once when I spilled tea on the keyboard and buggered up the space bar. It drove me completely mad, so I can't imagine what sort of mind would actually want to type like that!