The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36152   Message #497373
Posted By: IanC
03-Jul-01 - 08:11 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Cowd Stringy Pie
Subject: Cowd Stringy Pie
Can anyone help me remeber the rest of the words to the song about Yaddie Hughes. I learned it as a Nottinghamshire song, though I have noticed that it appears on the net as having been sung by the Lancashire singer and concertina player Harry Boardman. The first verse goes like this

Away down in Yorkshire, a farmer do dwell
And they call him Yaddie Hughes, and we all know him well
He keeps four servants, it ain't any lie
And he feeds them all up on his cold stringy pie
Yes, he feeds them all up on his cold stringy pie

I know bits of most of the rest of the verses, but not all and I'm a bit unsure about the order.

Anyone help?
