The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35698   Message #497381
Posted By: GUEST
03-Jul-01 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: The 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga
Subject: RE: The 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga
As someone said, the Living Tradition editorial is really old. So is this story. If Bulmer were going to be compelled to change his mind by appeals to his humanity, his wallet, or whatever, I think its reasonable to presume he'd have done it by now.

Same with the idea of him responding to his critics. Clearly, Bulmer has no intention of doing that either after all these years have passed.

Like I said, its been many, many years now, so why keep beating the Bulmer dead horse? Doing so won't change a thing.

The only reason I can fathom that this small group of people keep ripping open Nic Jones' wounds over this in public forums, is because of the attention *they* get. Because it makes *them* feel better.

Never underestimate the seductiveness of vindictiveness. I can't imagine what rehashing this thing over and over and over will do to help Nic and his wife. It is all so much water under the bridge at this point. A new CD is being released.

Why not celebrate how far Nic has come? How rich he is in friends? How lucky he is to be alive, to be seeing this dream of his--of seeing his music out there again, realized? Why bring Bulmer into this at all? Why put that dark cloud over what should be a happy time for Nic?