The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35698   Message #497503
Posted By: GeorgeH
03-Jul-01 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: The 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga
Subject: RE: The 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga
As I've said before, Guest, you are a hypocrite.

The only person persuing a jihad is yourself, and it's an anti-English one. As those who recognise you from your r.m.f./uk.m.f. postings will know.

Oh, and can you please cite a single instance of someone who knows what's in the Bulmer collection and doesn't believe it includes national treasures. For starters it includes the Bill Leader's various recordings of "source" performers. You demand high standards - of evidence and ethics - from others but apply no such checks on your own outpourings.

Ian C - you are, of course, right and I should heed your advice. Perhaps when I stop being hopping mad at this anglophobic woman's lies and distortions I will manage to do so. Until then I apologise for prolonging the agony.

