The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36094   Message #497758
Posted By: Amos
03-Jul-01 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Let's Forget the Fourth of July
Subject: RE: BS: Let's Forget the Fourth of July
As for celebrating "getting rid" of the Colonies, Graham, you sure paid the Hessians a nice piece of change to come stop our uppity little separation, dincha? If you-all were so effin' anxious to divest yourselves of Adams and Company, how come you spilled so much lucre and blood protesting the decision? Seems to me your appointed representative Mister Third was articulating a slightly different policy at the time.

'Course it could have all just been that impenetrable British subtlety at work, or the remarkable economic finesse that cost you almost all of the Empire and 80% of your currency's value in the last century...I couldn't say, being a sorta unsubtile sort myself. But somehow this malarkey jes' don' add up!
