The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35698   Message #497864
Posted By: Ralphie
03-Jul-01 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: The 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga
Subject: RE: The 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga
Oh...and another thing, before I forget... a little reply to "Guest" message, timed at 0830 3rd July. Quote "Why not celebrate how far Nic has come?"....we do. Quote "How rich is he in friends".....very. Quote "How lucky he is to be alive"....very. Quote "Why bring Bulmer into this"....never wanted to. Quote "Why put a dark cloud over what should be a happy time for Nic"......My answer to this last comment would probably get me banned for life.....but, here goes...All Mr B has got to do, is hand over the tapes to the lost 4 albums of Nics...He'd suddenly become a well liked man. Fairly simple "Guest" isn't it?? We'd even forget about 20 years of misseed royalties...etc. and before anybody accuses me of an interest (other than musical) I'm not getting a penny through my involvement with Nic, and I can't understand how any right thinking human being gets a kick out of denying poor musicians from the proceeds of their craft....I'll get angry again if I, I'll to the many "Catter" freinds I've made....Goes to show that there's still some...soap in the hole (Shurely shome mishtake....ed!) Ralphie xxx