The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36091   Message #497883
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Jul-01 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religious Question: Life After Death
Subject: RE: BS: Religious Question: Life After Death
What beats me is: why do people use this phrase about "how are you going to spend eternity"?

Given the fact that this life is constantly changing...why the heck do people imagine that the afterlife is some sort of static, fixed condition that goes on and on without changing for "eternity"?????

Isn't it a bit more likely that, like this life, life in spirit changes, moves through stages of transformation, and changes again?

I would not want to go there if I thought it was just going to be exactly the same forever and ever! Yuck!

We learn and evolve here. We continue to learn and evolve there. We most likely come back here at some point (in most cases). Why? Because this place presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for further learning and change and spiritual progess.

The only thing you can depend on is change. As below, so above.

The one thing that is asserted in the Eastern teachings as "unchanging" is the Divine Unmanifest that lies behind all manifestation. Being formless, indescribable, unlimited, and timeless, it simply is.

However, as long as one is individualized...manifesting as a perceivably separate entity...then, be assured, change will occur...whether on Earth or in Spirit.

You don't just get a harp and sit on your laurels for the rest of eternity, folks. No God would be cruel enough to subject people to that sort of pointless boredom, let alone to cast them into everlasting damnation. Imagine either possibility, and you may see how utterly unlikely they are. The world is full of variety. Why should Spirit not be varied as well?

IMO... (of course...)

- LH