The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35698   Message #498262
Posted By: GeorgeH
04-Jul-01 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: The 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga
Subject: RE: The 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga
Heavens, she's at it again . .

That long article of Gaughan's is the what I summarised in my previous post; note, in particular: "the subsequent witholding left me a bit stunned, to be euphimistic" and what follows.

Once again, Ms Ryan is seeking to argue by inuendo. Nowhere has she offered one shread of evidence to rebut anything offered as fact in this thread. Once again, she has chosen to ignore specific challenges to the information and views she has chosen to present here.

She writes at great length (a failing to which I, too, must plead guilty) and plausibly. However, her "arguments" are devoid of logic. The only Urban Legend being generated here is the one Janet is trying to promote, namely that there is anything untrue in the summary of the Bulmer/CM situation which I posted at the start of this thread.

At the end of the day you must decide for yourselves between Janet ("Guest") and those who have presented reasoned criticism of Bumer/CM. Who has done most to investigate events? Who is closer to events? Who is more open about their motives? Who has more fully recognised both sides of the story (as opposed to speculating about what another side to the story just might be)? Who has been most ready to respond and develop comments on and criticisms of what they have previously written?

I am sorry if my anger has upset anyone here. I am particularly sorry if this "spat" upsets Nic/Julia Jones. However, this thread isn't actually about Nic and Julia, and it's only Janet's intervention which has given it that narrow focus.

In an earlier message I invited a couple of participants in this thread to contact me directly by email. That related to a specific point, but the email address is there for anyone that wants it. I am prepared to involve myself in this matter openly and in my own name, and to pursue it "off line" with anyone who wishes to do so.

Every injustice is an injustice too many, and Janet's time would be better spent campaigning against the injustices in the US recording industry rather than seeking to defend, from her position of ignorance, the behaviour of CM/Dave Bulmer.

I hope I shall have no need to add anything further to this thread.

Regards to all
