The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36230   Message #498594
Posted By: Sam Pirt
04-Jul-01 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: Sam Pirt - sharing his good news!
Subject: Sam Pirt - sharing his good news!
From Gill, Sam's mum, who still hasn't quite got cookies and my own name sorted out (is that right?). Bill Sables suggests I stay as 'Sams mum' which sounds quite logical, so perhaps I shall.

Hello to all my Mudcat friends : o ))

Since Sam arrived back home life has ben very hectic - but I've still found time to keep up to date with all your postings. It's been great reading what you've all had to say.

Sam flew out to Sweden to the Ethno / Falun festivals this morning. He had a last minute panic as a reed broke the day before, so we did a mercy dash to get it fixed on the way to the airport.

Better get round to the point of this thread - today Sam found out that he passed his Social Work Degree with 2nd Class honours, so he is now Mr Samuel Pirt B.A.(Hons) Wow! Somehow don't think Social Work will tempt him away from his music though . . . .

The other bit of good news that Catters might be interested in - Sam & Ian and the rest of 422 (Joey, Sophie & Emily) are the featured artists on the new Radio 2 Folk Website. Some of you may want to have a look, there's also a good write-up of the interview they did with Sam - fresh out of US jet lag (44 hours with 2 hours sleep!), straight into Beverley Festival! These keen young un's eh? The website is:

BBC Radio 2 Folk Website and here's the site for the article about 422

links fixed by mudelf ;-)

It's now 1am and I need some sleep. Ickle Dorrit will be proud of me - see, I did what you suggested!

Love to all friends,

Sams mum (OK Bill?)