The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36236   Message #499096
Posted By: GUEST,ADG
05-Jul-01 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: D.Behan, Dylan, Ives, and JO STAFFORD!?
Subject: Behan said Woody said what?
Somebody sez that Dominic Behan said: "Woody Guthrie, the great American folk-singer and ballad-maker, warned us never to take a great song and try to write anither lyric to it."

It seems to me that anybody who would think Woody would have ever said something like that never listened to Woody.

I remember one time at Newport after Mother Maybelle played "Wildwood Flower" somebody said that she must have ripped off Woody's "Sinking of the Reuben James."