The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36258   Message #499428
Posted By: GUEST,Dancing Mom
05-Jul-01 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: POVERTY
Subject: RE: POVERTY
Looked at poverty for so long, and I am SICK of it! I am thankful to be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel though, and in 6 months when I graduate from nursing school I am going to be OUTTA THERE!! I'm looking forward to having a car that doesn't conk out every week and finally taking my kid to the eye doctor and fixing up my run-down old house and going someplace FUN and being able to resume those guitar lessons. Oh, yeah! But, you know, as soon as I start feeling sorry for myself I have to take a good look around and put everything in proper perspective. ("If you think YOU'VE got it rough...") There IS that old joke about the child in the tenement housing who one day was watching his mother stuff newspaper in the broken windows to keep out the cold, and said' "Hey, Mom, what do the POOR people do that don't have any nice newspaper to stuff in their windows?" (Well, anyway, you get the idea.) Hang in there. Sharon