The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36236   Message #499449
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Jul-01 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: D.Behan, Dylan, Ives, and JO STAFFORD!?
Subject: RE: D.Behan, Dylan, Ives, and JO STAFFORD!?
Robert Zimmerman was Abe Zimmerman's son wasn't he? In some little place called Hibbing, Minnesota, a former mining town fallen on hard times. They say he sang like an angel in junior high school...very pure choirboy voice. He was a slightly chubby little middle-class kid, who loved Hank Williams, and sang his songs. Later he got into Little Richard in a big way, and played rock and roll on the piano. He then formed a high school band called "The Golden Chords" I think it was, and shocked the whole school by playing the loudest electric music anyone had ever heard in Hibbing. They could hardly believe it. The more rebellious students were impressed (they hadn't suspected that quiet little Robert had such a wild side till then), while others were just astonished. The principal was horrified, and Zimmerman's band never was allowed on the assembly hall stage again. I wonder what ever became of that kid since? Has anyone heard? Was he a childhood friend of Bobby Neuwirth?

- LH