The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36289   Message #500422
Posted By: Ralphie
07-Jul-01 - 01:46 AM
Thread Name: glass harmonica casette
Subject: RE: glass harmonica casette
Have got a Cd from "Elipsis Arts..." entitled
"Gravikords,Whirlies & Pyrophones" A sampler, that came out in '96/7?
Not only is the "Crystallophone" (a relative me thinks), but also some very strange things including, "the Daxophone"...."Theremin" obviously!!...."Two Buchla 400's"...."The Flowerpotophone"...and my fave...Wendy Mae Chambers playing New York, New York on the "Car Horn Organ!"...Comes with a sumptous book....and all you US Cats will be able to find it easier than I did!!
Cheers Ralphie