The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36301   Message #500462
Posted By: GUEST
07-Jul-01 - 06:42 AM
Thread Name: Copyright Infringements
Subject: RE: Copyright Infringements
I wasn't saying anything about how good the song is. The point I'm making is about the claim the BBC:

1. Used it without seeking a licensing agreement

2. By doing so, according to the remedy being sought, damaged the reputation of the copyright owner, in addition to the loss of income, etc etc

Do we suppose it possible to transcend the Irish republican orientation of the musicians for the sake of the Internet discussion, which I pointed out in the originating message, is a thread about copyright infringement, and has nothing to do with the actual subject matter of the song or political orientation of the copyright owner?

I had hoped for some discussion of the media giant vs. the songwriter sorts of issues here.