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Thread #36258   Message #500704
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Jul-01 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: POVERTY
Subject: RE: POVERTY
You're absolutely right about that, Doug! The article is accurate. Old people without younger relatives to help them are in a bad spot. I was keenly aware of the plight of retirees when I was in Cuba, because the people I was staying with were delivering "meals on wheels" to a number of retired people who were in desperate straits. Many old people have committed suicide because they can't afford to feed themselves.

What has happened is that the Peso was allowed some years ago to float against the US dollar, and promptly lost virtually all value. The old people's pensions are still in Pesos. Presto! Instant poverty. I believe something similar has happened in Russia since 1989, which is when hard times began for Cuba.

The pensions were quite adequate until the Peso was allowed to they are entirely inadequate. Everyone down there wants American dollars, not Pesos.

Cuba has become a victim, not of its own socialism (which has done a great deal for the people), but of huge changes in the world geopolitical situation outside of Cuba. This doesn't change the fact that they still take care of the general population far better than does most of the rest of Latin America, where you will also find old people (and young people) in desperate straits.

I will never claim that Cuba is perfect...far from it. For the old people now, it is a very bad situation. I was among a very highly motivated, extraordinary group of people when I stayed there. That's partly why I was so happy there. Then too, there's just something about the place that I like, in a general sense...and that's the basic feeling of equality and good humour that one finds there. I have never been anywhere where I saw less evidence of racial prejudice in people...for example.

Retired people in Canada aren't doing so well either, I'm afraid, in way too many cases. I fear for my own old age the way things are going here.

- LH