The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36258   Message #500768
Posted By: DougR
07-Jul-01 - 05:24 PM
Thread Name: POVERTY
Subject: RE: POVERTY
LH: I've spent some time in Puerto Rico. Have you been there? I wonder if there is a similarity betweet the two islands. Certainly there is a great deal of poverty in Puerto Rico.

One thing in the article really impressed me. The feeling of family, and the willingness of family to help the old folks. It used to be that way more in the U. S. than it is now, I think. It used to be common for children to take old folks into their home when they reached the age where they couldn't care for themselves. Now it's off to the nursing home for them. I have mixed feelings, though, because I wouldn't want to be dependent or a burden on my kids when I reach that stage (assuming I do).
