The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36258   Message #500796
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Jul-01 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: POVERTY
Subject: RE: POVERTY
I would sure like to sit down for a couple of hours with your friend Bob Biderman, Rick, and compare notes on Cuba...I've thought of teaching there myself...English, that is...

Carol - In Cuba, all your medical care (including dental) is free, although medicine may not be...and the medical treatment is modern and good, I hear. Your main expenses there are food, clothing, and daily household sundries. That's what the Cubans I knew said they spent most of their money on. Rent and Hydro and stuff like that are very cheap.

All levels of education are free also, but...many who would like to go to university can't afford to buy the books and keep themselves fed and all that, while taking the for them, it's a sort of catch-22 situation. So near and yet so far

- LH