The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2226   Message #501423
Posted By: GUEST,Arkie
08-Jul-01 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Eight More Miles to Louisville (L Jones)
Subject: RE: Eight More Miles To Louisville
There is a story here in the Ozarks of a young man attempting to make a favorable impression upon a beautiful young lady and in the course of the evening broke into a song he had recently learned called Eight More Miles to Louisville. He was informed that he was not singing the song right. Taken aback he asked what did she mean and was told that she should know how the song went since her daddy had written it. The young eventually got the song right and apparantly made that favorable impression for he and the young lady recently visited in Mountain View along with their infant son, the grandson of Louis Marshall (Grandpa) Jones and Ramona.