The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36392   Message #502466
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
09-Jul-01 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: GUESTS
Subject: RE: BS: GUESTS
Guest, as one of those insulted by you (although as I do have a fat arse, it is only telling the truth) I feel I have a right to confront you.

I don't care if you post as a guest or not. I don't care if I know you, or not. What I do care about is that you have posted the same insult to more than 6 threads in 5 minutes AS WELL as starting up a whole new thread. Why did you feel this was necessary? Wasn't a new thread enough?

Now you appear to be saying that I'm an attention grabber. That's true. I do like to put my 5p's worth in, and be heard. But if no one is listening to me, I don't keep shouting across the board. I also know when not to post, like Noreen, I pause sometimes and then delete what I was going to say. Sometimes I hit the wrong button and it goes out. I would hope I'm not vicious, but you seem to think I am. Give me an example and I will endeavour to explain/apologise. It may just be that what others see as wit and intelligence, you are seeing as sarcasm and a threat. Notice I do not stoop to personal insults, and the slight misunderstanding with one poster was explained.