The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36392   Message #502599
Posted By: SeanM
09-Jul-01 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: GUESTS
Subject: RE: BS: GUESTS

You go Joe. My apologies for biting on this persistent troll's garbage.

People... (and in this I mean rational humans)

Look at the past history of the 'cat.

Every few months, the same sad, pathetic individual shows up... starts carping about how there's an "inner clique", and depending on the phase of the moon (or whatever) bitches about how either there's no music or that we treat guests poorly.

Normally, the 'guest' joins up under another name during this, so that they can feed the flames on the rare occasion that noone else will, by having a many sided discussion that really only features themselves.

Eventually, through either repentance (highly unlikely, given the recidivism) or boredom, GUEST posts tail off. The 'alter ego' member identities usually tail off as well, followed by a short surge of ugliness from those identities.

Then, the GUEST swears that he's sorry and promises he's going away and staying gone.

Then a few months later, it all starts again. Same GUEST, different names, same bullshit.

In the real world, this kind of behavior would likely land a restraining order. In the 'net world, it merely repeats over and over and over and over again.
