The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36392   Message #502814
Posted By: Angie
10-Jul-01 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: GUESTS
Subject: RE: BS: GUESTS
Firstly, an apology. Sorry. Secondly, there is some confusion over names that I feel necessary to explain now. I am Mal G. My good lady wife is Angie. We have been posting under each others names on occasion. This is totally my problem/mistake. I think I've sorted it though. Again, sorry. John in Hull, 'twas I that asked the Publius Enigma, to Angie. She was on the pc at the time and simply posed a simple question. Had she or we been aware of the deep seated resentment to follow, then yes maybe a quick change over to Pink (or whatever)would have been a wiser move. It was an innocent faux pas of Madcattery netiquette, perhaps. I apologise to your good self , Bill D and others whose toes seem to have been bestamped. No offence or malice intended. Sorry. Matt_R, especially, did however reply with a most helpful and it must be said, generous post, thanks again. If I have dragged you down by association Matt, then I'm sorry. Ebbie, ta. Only the first one was intentional. D'oh! Love and peace to you all even those fuelled with loathing and anarchy, for surely these need it most, Mal. "keep talking"