The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36423   Message #502904
Posted By: English Jon
10-Jul-01 - 08:32 AM
Thread Name: Posting anonymously
Subject: RE: Posting anonymously
The nature of my work (sound engineering) is such that there is either a mad rush on, in which case, I'm not on Mudcat, but working myself into the ground, or there is sod all to do. This is part of the nature of the business. I do use the net far too much, but I am also bloody good at my job, and pretty much indespensible to the company. I'm lucky in that my employers are pretty relaxed in general. As long as the work gets done well and on time, they don't mind how you go about it. Anyway, the pay is pretty low, so they tend to be cool about net use, phone calls etc, as long as no one really takes the piss. Other side of the coin being, if something urgent happens, most of the employees will turn up at weekends etc, generally move heaven and earth to complete on time.