The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36423   Message #502912
Posted By: GUEST
10-Jul-01 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: Posting anonymously
Subject: RE: Posting anonymously
Could people seem to be confusing anonymous posting issues with SPAM?

Usenet standards don't define SPAM based on content. It is determined (by those who adhere to the definition) by the number of posts and the number of forums identical messages are posted to. Have a fancy formula for figuring this out.

Usenet standards also caution against any filtering/blocking/deleting based on content. That is a free speech issue, which actually does have a lot to do with anonymous posting in teh legal/cyber worlds right now.

Attempts by French government to ban anonymous posting in legislation in 1999? or thereabout. Many good, informative sites about this: do searches for organizations like Global Internet Liberty Campaign (GILC), who recently published "85 recommendations for a democratice internet in 2000"

Concern with French legislation was that, even though the proposed law would require all website operators to disclose identity, the fear was it would be extended to individuals in chat rooms, bulletin boards, discussion groups like Mudcat.

Also, in U.S. recent "The1Quiz" case in Fla. In US, do searches for Electronic Frontier Foundation, ALCU, etc. to read about the case.

Whistleblowers need to have their anonymity protected. People who fear that expression of their opinions (which often the world needs to hear, and the employer/media (even folk media) don't want you to find out about, will result in retaliation or reprisals which can effect safety, their jobs, or even their ability to get work in folk communities!

Anon. poster(s) in CM/DB thread both gave legitimate reasons for anon. posting in that particular thread. IMO, free speech reasons. Reaction against their controversial opinions is now being thrown in with name calling, and immature flaming. Not the same. Not the same at all.

Maybe it will take a defamation lawsuit against certain parties by Dave Bulmer/Celtic Music to get people to wake up and smell the coffee.

I don't buy the "accountability" arguments. IMO, used by capitalist power brokers to justify everything from censorship to testing in the schools.

Compassionate conservatism seems to be the land here. Company town, and I guess Mudcat would be the company store.

Just my opinions, know and support enthusiastically everyone expressing theirs, whether anon, pseudyonym, or real name. Life is beckoning, no time to chat here for now. Hope your disussion of the issue, if you choose to carry it on, proves fruitful and illuminating to you.

