The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36423   Message #503602
Posted By: catspaw49
10-Jul-01 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: Posting anonymously
Subject: RE: Posting anonymously
Geeziz Guest All..........You don't know crap about who's who here and yet seem to have all the answers. If you'll just go back to my previous post, the site owner/admin is Max and I suggest you call him directly, toll free and list all of your grievances and super suggeestions. Or you can write him a letter or e-mail him...anything you like and tell him how mistreated you have been. Tell him about all of these nasty-ass folks and how we should change things around and all. Tell him that Spaw called you a miserable little pissant and bestowed the Order of the Golden Shower upon you. Have at it and be sure you are comprehensive in your suggestions, complaints. and other such crappola.

Just click on the jumping catfish at the top of the page and scroll down for the phone and e-mail info. Until you do that, let me pass on my favorite suggestion for miserable pissants........"Have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up."

To the rest of you piddling around with this simple ass.......Let's all go back and do what we do best.....Answer requests, have some fun, research some songs, tell a few lies.....all the usual Mudcat good stuff. This doof has no interest in understanding as you all know so why bother, let him/her/it take it up with Max.

Guest All.......Have at it and have yourself a truly good time and a mediocre day!
