The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36392   Message #503710
Posted By: Amos
11-Jul-01 - 12:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: GUESTS
Subject: RE: BS: GUESTS
Dear Guests:

Welcome to the Mudcat. Here there be chatter, song, laughter, love, bumps, bruises, comfort and compassion, temper and distemper, the guileless and the beguiling, the armed and disarming. Here you can wander through every form of weather the human heart can generate, but I think most of it of the benevolent sort.

But, just to be fair, you will find here too those who Wille Bee Vyctimes, whose treasure store is made of barbs and slings. You will find souls herein for whom every accusation is a sad confession. For others, every confession is a thinly-disguised accusation. But above all, because this is a place for lovers of music, you will find here the spectrum of life doing what it alone can do at all -- living.

We are a sassy, uppity, thoughtful, shy, brazen huffery-puffery, calm and retiring lot, and have of us have the blood of gators and the other half were raised by wild icebergs.

But, by gum, we are so alive it hurts!!! And we love it that way. And we hope that you are the sort who will as well. Welcome one and all.
